Welcome To My Homepage


this isn't really a contact page i just thought it'd be more space really.

okay here are some of psychological illusionist Derren Brown's paintings yes he is also a portrait artist (Is there no end to this mans talent? NO)

 David Blaine    self portrait         Brad pitt (I personally can't stand him)    Madonna (Don't like her either)  Sophia Loren  Woody Allen  Marilyn  Marlon Brando  Frank Sinatra  Uri Gellar  Frank Sinatra again


 Derren's other self portrait 


 Eddie izzard



Here is a bit at the beginning of Derren's book pure effect which I find amusing.

For the reader who is interested in nothing but solid mentalism, some of the routines on these pages may appear as soiled whores; shameless daughters of joy who have raised their petticoats and yielded their most secret charm to the flippant & capricious world of mere thaumaturgy. To that reader I can only apologise for my unabashed love of mixing mindreading with magic to find the strongest effect - I do believe that the twi, in context, may complement each other quite charmingly.


and another bit.

I am unsure then who precisely will find this book to his or her palate. Hopefully no one other than myself, although I do trust that more will find something of use in these pages. Perhaps those others who have been obliging enough to pay actual money for my volume but who find it only vapid, mindless & irrelevant will find some other use in it - perhaps they could fashion from it an impromptu hat to wear in the rain, or it may even serve as a simple toy for a least favourite child.

and a bit at the end

I wish you every heaving, bloated resoundalment of success. I've been Derren Brown & you've been splendid. Good morning.
















 Derren's Dvd/ Video Inside your mind                   a few pics from inside your mind