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Photo Gallery

Here are some pics of me, the ppl i like & some of the things i own & pics I've drawn


kellymeandhercousin.jpg My old friend kelly her cousin and me. It was kelly's 5th birthday party I was 7 years old.


 mum.jpg This is mum (f u b as my sister calls her) in the living room that door behind her is my bedroom door and as you can see there are a few pics of Derren Brown on it.

rickytherabbit.jpg This is one of the rabbits I used to have he was born on the 29th of October 2003 & I sadly don't have any of my rabbits now : (

stephentherabbit.jpg This is the mother rabbit Stephen (We thought she was a he till she gave birth) She was huge and weighed a tonne. She may look cute but she was extremelly vicious my mum nicknamed her edward scissorhands


dariustherabbit.jpg here's Darius the rabbit

derrenpic.jpgDerren Brown or THE S G as I call him which stands for the sex god Because he is one

derrentherabbit.jpgAnd here is Derren Brown again looking rather small white and furry I'm a magicienne I got fed up of him ranting on about psychological techniques and taxidermy so I turned him into a rabbit LOL : )

 Only kidding this was my rabbit I named after Derren he was born on the 28th of october 2003 his mother used to attack him she'd rip chunks of fur off him & she ripped his ear he was very timid when he was with the other rabbits but when I let him into my room to run around without being attacked he was lively and very funny like a completely different rabbit.

 He was my favourite.

 As I've been through similar my mum's always been nasty to me so I understood. He'd sometimes lay on the bottom of my bed or on my face & I'd wake up wondering why I couldn't breathe. he'd sometimes lay on my chest and fall asleep which meant it was difficult for me to watch tv. He was a very sweet affectionate rabbit he was forever licking my face & if he couldn't lick my face he'd lick my hands or feet whichever he could reach. 

I miss him like mad ; (

Dave Gorman (Danny's friend)


i have a guitar the exact same as this though mine has scratches from my now deceased parrot darren


A pic of Derren Brown that i drew a few weeks ago (I'm only just learning 2 draw)


My drawing of David Blaine


me & my half sister sara (2003)



I was born on october 23rd 1985 in Kingston upon Hull which is in yorkshire England
I have 1 half brother & 1 half sister Christopher & Sara.
 I live with my mum Susan & kakariki Darren.
I'm 5 foot 6
I have blue eyes & dirty blonde hair
I am a magicienne the only female member of the lincoln society of magicians ever. ( iwas a magicienne i'm not anymore)
I used to do karate and got a black belt i was going to become an instructor at the age of 10 but I ended up in foster care and now my back is damaged.
I used to be in beverly eagles junior jazz band
I go for singing lessons every week
I like to work on my websites & surf the net in general
I like to googlewhack www.googlewhack.com
I enjoy reading & I'm currently writing my own novel. (well trying to lol)
I'm trying to learn to speak japanese.
I can draw chinese and japanese symbols easily.
I LOVE Derren Brown ; ) I ADORE Darren Hayes
My sister is friends with an actor from british soap emmerdale his real name is dominic brunt he plays paddy kirk.
I am friends with a magician called James who is friends with comedian Joe Pasquale
 I have met Joe Pasquale & shall be meeting him again next year I hope I can maybe get to know him too.
my late granddads goddaughter was a famous singer called Dana she has retired from singing now though. she was famous before I was born. I think she's a lawyer or something now.
I learned to speak german at 2 & a half years old but have forgotten it now.