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 The pic to the right is of my mum when she was younger.on her knee is my half brother christopher & in front of her is my half sister sara & cousin andrew.

A signed photo of Stephen Mulhern (Presenter/magician)


At the back is my half sisters friend christie & at the front is my half sister sara & a little me

don't know why this pic isn't showing anymore (nov 30th 2004)

This is me a few months ago (Early 2004) Looking goddam awful

my god don't i look ugly when i'm laughing  : 0

My signed darius book : )


Some of my pics of Derren Brown, his book pure effect & a clock I made of him.

I have Derren Brown in my bed!!! WOO HOO

sadly it's only a pic of him  : (


A cool pic of Darius danesh from this years calendar (2004)


 me when i was 3 or 4 years old

 me in Beverly eagles junior jazz band aged about 6 or 7



me aged about 2 with my half sister sara's friend christie

meaged8or9.bmp me aged about 8 0r 9

 me and my old friend kelly in 1992

 me at kellys 5th birthday party I was 7 then

meandruthsmum.jpg me and my old friend ruths mum, it was ruth's birthday so her mum dressed up as a rabbit as you can see.